ZOMBA CITY COUNCIL TO HOLD GREEN AND CLEAN SOLIDARITY PARADE Zomba City Council has prepared the Green and Clean Solidarity Parade and the Commemoration of the International Day of Climate Action on 24th October, 2024. The initiative intends to promote environmental stewardship and enhance green initiatives through restoration, rehabilitation, and
Happy Marty’s Day! We commemorate this day every year on March 3. The holiday helps to honour the political heroes who gave their lives in the struggle against British colonialism.
Khonsolo ya mzindá wa zomba īkudziwitsa onse amene akupânga malonda a chimanga chachiwisi dowe/mondokwa) chootcha kapena сhophika kuti ndikosaloredwa kuchīta malondawa kuyambira lolemba pa 26th February, 2024. Khonsoloyi yaletsa malondawa potsâtira malamūlo a maboma ang’onoangono (local government act, 1998). Ndiye dziwani kuti onse ochita malonda a chimanga chachiwisi munyengoyi adzaimbidwa
Grace Orphan Care Management has commended Zomba City Council; through the City Social Welfare Office; for the continous support towards the livelihood of children at the centre. Accommodating more than 200 orphaned kids; the centre has 14 boys and girls who are in secondary school. Speaking during the handover ceremony
With a population exceeding 100,000 residents in Zomba city, we successfully engaged approximately 3.26% of this population through the vendor population community across several key markets: Chinamwali, Zomba Central Market, Flea Market, and the Komboni markets through our circular economy road show awareness campaign. Supported by funding from the European